Rawshe Office View!
It always feel strange that with such a view of Rawshe rocks-precious post photo- one can rarely be depressed,but Rawshe as any other area of our lovely Beirut conceals its real beauty between the crowded buildings. A mosaic of greens, plastic, tanak, laundry, wastes, concrete. Every time you walk to your balcony, light a cigarette and have the first morning puff with all the ecstasy it brings, then look down, gaze into thee mosaic and find something new- post photo gives an idea!. With every new thing you identify, a new look grows on your face, fascination, disgust at times, smells go buy, kitchens all around, chubby white ladies cooking with all their oriental spirits. Your cigarette goes in waste, you recognize you only had one puff! You through the cigarette in the heart of your view.It is yours now after all!
You turn back into the office, feeling a bit strange, a bit depressed, no. What does depression has to do with all of this? Guess it is not depression even.Whatever.
This not the way our embassy in Washington see Rawshe. They have yet a different view and description . Illustration and description below.

Rawshe Washington View!
"The best way to see Beirut is on foot. A good place to rest is the area of Raouche, where Beirut's famous Pigeon Rocks stand tall and proud in the sparkling sea. Area restaurants serve local and foreign cuisine and cliff-side cafes offer a good range of snacks."
Maybe the guys in Washington are more sharp. It has something to do with travel. Travel opens minds to new possibilities.But how to exercise an open mind? As wikihow.com (very wiki indeed) puts it "Simply put, doing unique, random, different, and ridiculous things is a good way to exercise the mind and promote new ways of thinking about the world around us. One hour of increased brain activity via thinking a lot or experiencing new stimuli can make you smarter, more energetic, more creative, more sociable, and more open to new experiences and ways of thinking." I am trying to follow this advice, and with the view I have, I am experiencing the hell of a stimuli and I am hoping to get smarter and more sociable for the time! I will try to limit my expectations to that, energetic is far away to reach if not impossible, creativity, even more. As for being open to new experiences and ways of thinking, I will leave that to the guys in DC and try to follow their website more frequently.
I will leave you now for your irresistible imagination and try to check if there is something for me to do. Meanwhile, why don't you reflect on your own feelings and comment on what I said. Why? so that I feel more sociable, so that you feel smarter. And i got one idea just now. This is better than writing an email. Like it goes to many at the same time, but only those who really want to read it. Mails get deleted. I am trying to find out statistics on a global scale. Statistics about how many mails are deleted every minute all over the globe, too many I guess!
I feel compelled to comment as a Rawsheh "native" and since you know I have stories as old as thirty years related to that intimate Rawsheh space you posted a photo of (involving cats, chicks and afterlife among others). Keep writing dear and continue you mental exercises.
I already feel smarter, are you feeling more sociable?
Thx M3alimty...this is great, I really feel more sociable, this is nice.
I will keep up writing, hopefully daily, not during weekends definitely! hope ur doing well... It will be nice if u send something to post reflecting on your rawshe view!
i was asked today to find stimulation from different banal items around me in a room without a view. You can be surprised with how far you can go from a motif on a wall paper.
Beirut is by far the most inspiring of all. But i hate the people.
I prefer like you socializing through posts
I like your view of Beirut better than phoney Washington's.
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